About Me

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Capac/Yale/Warren, michigan, United States
I am a 27 year old mother to be. This blog is meant to share my ups and downs during this, my first pregnancy. I'm super excited, and terrified. There are a lot of unknowns in my future, but baby I am so down for the ride.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Cocoa butter and Baby Einstein!!

      For as long as I can remember I thought it had been a well known fact that women put cocoa butter on their stomachs during pregnancy to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.. I'm not crazy right? this is a real thing... Because now that I'm starting to show I don't want to get anymore stretchmarks on my belly so I would start using it... EXCEPT my doctor told me to avoid cocoa butter because it contains crazy amounts of caffeine and when soaked into the blood stream will be bad!! Has anyone else heard of this???
      According to the forum section on google, one woman reported being admitted into the hospital because her baby had a very erratic and sped up heartbeat, turns out the cause was slathering cocoa butter on her belly... But other people disputed and claimed this to be UN-true... My question is, if women have been doing this for Eons why now are we supposed to avoid it?? and if I can't use cocoa butter, what can I use to improve my skin elasticity? Who knew being pregnant came with so many rules...

     Next on my "What the hell" list is Baby Einstein DVD's..  My sister and I were shopping around in our local salvation army; when I ran across a collection of Baby Einstein DVD's. now my thinking was that these would be great mind stimulating things for baby to watch from his/ or her swing while mommy is busy, instead of the mind numbing junk that's on TV today... So we check some discs for scratches, and I left the store with 3 of the for 2.99, (which I thought was a great deal.) I got Baby Newton - discovering shapes, Baby Mozart- music festival, and World Animals..
        When I returned home I showed them to my mom who said "those are bad for babies" Apparently a teacher at my moms school said that something in the way the movies are played prohibits babies from learning.. She couldn't really remember what she said exactly. 

Now I defiantly don't want to do anything that is not the best for my baby, so again I did some research.. I came across an article called AFTER CONTROVERSY DISNEY ISSUES BABY EINSTEIN RECALL. intriguing right? Well the jest of the article is basically different organizations were pressuring Disney to stop marketing these products as educational as they aim to set children in front of the television set. certain people were even going as far as saying that these DVD stop children's ability to use their imagination and play. (It is kind of obvious that a child isn't necessarily "playing" if they are stuck in front of a TV) I couldn't find any evidence that these specific DVD's were harmful. If you'd like to check the article out it's http://www.businesspundit.com/after-controversy-dinsey-issues-baby-einstein-recall/ I personally would never set my child in front of a TV for hours anyways. So if they are going to watch a 1/2 hour program I would definitely rather have it be a Baby Einstein DVD than some of these horrible kids shows that are on now-a-days.

What happened to the good old days, when the only time kids watched hours of television was for Saturday morning cartoons (which are now non-existent) When if we wanted to play cops and robbers, we ran around the yard like maniacs with kids from the neighborhood instead of putting a video game in. When not playing outside on a nice day was "Punishment"... We could eat veggies straight from the garden without the fear of some chemical. Licking the spoon and bowl after making a cake was a must (that me and my sister fought over!) So many things are "hazardous" these days. I just want to raise my child to know the fun that I had... Build a fort out of sheets, pretend that the floor is made of lava, imagine that your bed is a boat and save your stuffed animals from the sharks in the water. make believe there's a "twister" on a windy day.. run around the yard barefoot after a summer rain.  Lets not fall asleep to a movie in their bedroom at night, but to a bedtime story read by me. This is the type of mother that I want to be.

P.S. I'm in week 16.... my nausea has been returning a little, and my belly is getting bigger...I've been burping alot, and getting what I think might be heartburn..  I read somewhere that my baby is the size of a light bulb.. My appointment to find out the sex has been rescheduled AGAIN.. now I'll be waiting until the 19th. I bought the baby a hat, and a shirt this week...


  1. I personally love Little Einsteins.. we didn't watch Baby Einstein at all but the babes learn alot from them little dudes. Oh and there are a few cartoons that even taught them animal sounds that I hadn't got to yet.

    A little TV is good for them, I think. :-)

    Some good cartoons we like are, The Wiggles (which is not really a cartoon..), Mickey of course, Umi Zoomi, Bubble Guppies and Yo Gabba Gabba. Oh I can't forget Dora and Diego.


    1. Yea I was so confused when my mom told me she heard that about those DVD's.. I can honestly not see TV being harmful unless a child is just left in front of it for hours or something.. I bought the DVD's thinking that I can pop in these learning type shows when there's nothing else on.. LOL I swear every other day someones come up with something else that's "bad" for you..

      and I agree about TV in moderation being good.

      I can remember growing up on
      Sesame street, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. dress up, and lamb chops play along

      Thanks for the tips on the shows..
