About Me

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Capac/Yale/Warren, michigan, United States
I am a 27 year old mother to be. This blog is meant to share my ups and downs during this, my first pregnancy. I'm super excited, and terrified. There are a lot of unknowns in my future, but baby I am so down for the ride.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I'm a Non-smoker!! (did I just say that)

Lets start this out by saying if you have never been a smoker you have NO idea how big of an accomplishment this truly is!!

I picked up my first cigarette when I was 16 years old, I want to say it was to impress a boy. It was an occasional thing for awhile, and then slowly but surly became a routine (and addiction). By the end of that first year I was a pack a day smoker :( I can't even recall how that was possible since legally I could even buy them for another 2 years.). Me and my friends would have someone get them for us, numerous packs at a time, or find someone and just ask them (which worked a lot)... regardless, it started...  For ten years I had smoked those little things, with 2 or 3 failed attempts at quitting in between... Lets just say after ten years I had a pretty strong addiction.. Pretty soon day to day activities became attached with smoking. For example, driving in the car, after eating a meal, while talking on the phone. These three were the hardest...

I found out I was pregnant on January 20th, 2012 that moment I went from smoking 20 cigarettes a day, to just 2 and a 1/2 or 3 cigarettes... I didn't and couldn't quit cold turkey. And I don't think the with-drawls would have been good for the baby (not that the smoking was). So that same night (the 20th) mike bought me my final pack of cigarettes. I took it slow, (as I was still getting numerous cravings) I would light the cigarette, take 1-3 puffs and then put it out. making one last the time that 3 would have normally. What would of lasted 1 day, ended up lasting me 5. On the 25th of January I smoked my last cigarette, and I haven't had a single one since.

I'm so proud to say that I have officially been 42 days without a cigarette..
and even though sometimes something still triggers a craving, I AM A NON SMOKER!! and I couldn't be more proud of myself...

Thank you baby, for giving mommy strength, and making her healthier :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm really proud of you, Alicia! I have never smoked but I know how hard it is to quit, seeing people close to me try to do it. But, they did (I'm still working on my Mom) and none of them regret the choice they made to quit. I'm sure you wont either, especially knowing that little one you're carrying is breathing clean air, just like you are now! :) Hopefully, your strength will continue after the pregnancy and you wont pick the habit up again. Good luck & God Bless you, Mike, & baby. I'm very happy for you!!

    -Amanda (Strunk-Folske)

  3. Good job girl! I am proud of you!
