About Me

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Capac/Yale/Warren, michigan, United States
I am a 27 year old mother to be. This blog is meant to share my ups and downs during this, my first pregnancy. I'm super excited, and terrified. There are a lot of unknowns in my future, but baby I am so down for the ride.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's a weird kinda happy....

Well folks It's a boy!! It's so strange, I felt in ever bone in my body like it was going to be a girl.. .It's almost as if I already knew it was, but alas I was wrong.. . I'm not really upset, and I'm soooooo Happy that he's healthy and strong, but I almost feel however like I miss my little girl, even though I never really had one.

 This is probably because I've been wanting to be a mom since I was a little girl, and I have Never once pictured myself without a daughter... I guess I just didn't think I'd ever have a son. And I did the horrible thing to myself by getting my hopes so high up...

I thought though that I would be more upset than I am, but really I'm already starting to come to grips with the fact that it's a little man in there... I keep looking at his ultrasound pictures, and I love him already. Hes a cutie (even if he only is 11 oz and the size of a grapefruit)

I do know one thing, this boy is blessed, because I am going to be the best mother that I possibly can be. and he is going to be surrounded with nothing but love...

Still haven't been able to pin down a name.. I've been trying to think about it since I left the Dr's today. I had to stop thinking because I was getting frustrated by it.. When I thought it was a girl, the name came so easy to me.

I know I'll think of something just perfect... but until then, I love my little no-name.

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